
And the winners are...

Thank you everyone for playing.... again! Of all the answers sent in via email, facebook, and blog, we had four correct answers - plus, some EXTREMELY creative interpretations. It is always funny to me how so many people can see so many different things. The final answer is  two limes and two apples. This time I have to say my sister out did herself. I think she really wanted to win :-). She printed the puzzle, cut it apart, and put it back together. Then she sent me a picture of the final image. So .... needless to say, she has my vote for the most effort :-). The winners are Robin Eason, Tracy Hines, Jennifer Morriss, Deb Orlando and Iris Weaver! (Iris, I missed you on the first review. Sorry :-). I will be in touch to send a chicken card your way ... congratulations to you all!
The next give away challenge will be in March. Keep your creative eyes in shape....
and Happy Valentines Day!


Snow day give away... solve the puzzle

The top photo is the gift... a 5x7 Rose Bryant Original Paintings blank folding card of one of my most popular images. (I absolutely love the aqua). Enter to win this card by solving the puzzle (bottom photo). CHALLENGE QUESTION: When put together to look like the original painting, what is this puzzle an image of? Answers need to include "how many" of what you see. Respond to the post on my paintings facebook page, here in the comments, or to me by email.  I will pick FIVE winners from the correct answers by noon on February 14th. Happy Valentines Day!

It was orange and now it's not...

Still in progress...but really coming together. I can always add a little more orange back to the painting for punctuation if I need to... so for now I won't worry.  My next steps will be to make the sand lighter and more "sunny". I will then work over the sky to get a softer, lighter, slightly aqua color. After I lighten the sky and the sand up, I will go back in on the kayaks to give them more sunlight. At the moment, the painting feels like it needs more contrast. I am approaching the time when I step back from the painting to "see" and then forward to mark... then back to "see"... then forward to mark. Repeat, repeat.... :-)